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Scroll for Stacey's informative articles in Huffington Post, Kung Fu Magazine & More

Stacey on News Channel 3 Eye on The Desert Demonstrating a hip stretch
Channel 3 News "Eye on The Desert" Demonstrating Hip/Back Stretch During Segment on Flexibility on KSEQ
Kung Fu Magazine photo credit: Greg Lynch Jr.
Kung Fu Magazine Photo Credit: Greg Lynch Jr.
Stacey Nemour guest on podcast Women Road Warriors talks about the importance of flexibility
Stacey Guest on Award Winning Podcast in Top 2.5% of Podcasts Globally and Won The People's Choice Award 2024 Published 1/21/25
Stacey flexibility master & martial artist cover healthy living
Stacey healthy living spread demonstrating screeches to increase flexibility
Healthy Living Section Mountain News December 2022 Photo Credit: Angela Yap
Stacey Healthy Living Cover standing leg hold
Mountain News Heathly Cover Healthy Living Section 2022 Photo Credit Angela Yap
Stacey International Flexibility master & Martial Artist Lake Arrowhead Magazine
Stacey magazine spread demonstrating stretches to increase mobility
Stacey posture strap immediately improve posture
Flexibility coach want to unleash your power. Stacey middle splits in magazine
Lake Arrowhead Magazine Summer Fall Issue 2022

Stacey interviewing Abbot Shi Yan Fan of Shaolin Temple Los Angeles for her article about him in The Huffington Post 

Kung Fu Magazine
Kung Fu Magazine Photo: Greg Lynch Jr.

Stacey in “Stretching for Core Strength and Flexibility”
video to accompany article for Kung Fu Magazine.

Stacey Nemour Kung Fu Magazine Photo: Greg Lynch Jr.
Stacey Nemour Kung Fu Magazine Photo: Greg Lynch Jr.

“Increase Your Flexibility For Perfect Kicks” video to accompany article for Kung Fu Magazine.

Secrets Of Splits & Flexibility Dutch Yoga Magazine
Review "Dutch Yoga Magazine"

Review: Dutch Yoga Magazine: Is the splits for you so overwhelming that you only dare to dream of? With the handy tips from yogini and martial artist Stacey you are guaranteed to go a lot further. Step one is visualizing yourself in the splits and relaxing; then through the program you slowly work your way up to the final splits positions- with warm-up exercises for your hamstrings and the inner thighs. Another handy tip for the straddle stretch position: put your hands in front of your knees when you bend forward-This way you prevent your thighs from falling in and injuring your knees.

Stacey in Kiai Magazine Brazil flexibility coach to Vitor Belfort & Gracie Team
Stacey in "Kiai Magazine" When Stacey was Vitor Belfort & The Carlson Gracie Teams flexibility coach

TNC Radio 

How to Stay Flexible and Eliminate Pain with Stacey Nemour” Women Road Warriors Audible

Fit Minute Podcast

Your Flexibility Makeover with Stacey Nemour

Kung Fu Magazine

Kung Fu Magazine Stretching with Stacey Nemour as she demonstrates how to open the hips to warm up for martial art kicks

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Kung Fu Magazine Stretching for Core Strength & Flexibility Posted May/June Issue| Stacey Nemour leads us through a routine designed to build our core strength and increase our flexibility…
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Kung Fu Magazine Increase Your Flexibility for Perfect Kicks | Stacey Nemour leads you through a stretching and strengthening set of exercises aimed at improving your kicks, exclusively for Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine. Photo & video by Greg Lynch Jr…
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Kung Fu Magazine Flexibility Training for the Martial Arts  | Flexibility expert, Stacey Nemour, demonstrates a stretching routine targeted towards martial artists in this video, exclusive for Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine…
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The Huffington Post Articles by Stacey Nemour

Fountain of Youth: Flexibility in Mind, Body Posted March 16, 2017 An individual is never too old to increase their flexibility. In fact, that is exactly when we need flexibility training more than ever.

The Zone: Use Breath, Posture and Passion to Get Into the Flow State | When we focus our attention on a consciously chosen goal, our psychic energy literally “flows” in the direction of that goal, resulting in a reordering and harmonizing within consciousness. This higher state of consciousness makes what would seem too difficult effortless and allows us to advance into new achievements in sports performance and all the arts…
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Flexibility: Answers to Dancers Most Asked Questions | I have selected some of the most asked questions that I receive from dancers regularly. The following questions are also from two online dance magazines that I have recently done Q&As with. The answers to these questions can also easily apply to gymnasts, synchronized swimmers and martial artists…
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Secrets of Splits and Flexibility | After I released my best-selling DVD Secrets of Splits & Flexibility, daily emails started coming in from all over the world with questions asking how one can become flexible enough to get flat into the splits. Here are some important tips that I share with my clients and viewers…
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New Kung Fu Children’s Book Helps Development of Mind, Body and Spirit | The book Little Monk and the Mantis is a thrilling tale from Hollywood screenwriter John Fusco of one boy’s search for self-expression, courage and the peaceful, non-violent teachings at the root of true martial arts. This book is accompanied by beautiful art illustration by Patrick Lugo, who is art director…
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Interviews on Merging Spirituality and Entertainment From The Gate 2 Event | The spectacular Gate 2 was attended by more than 2,000 people at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills, with standing room only. The theme of “Only a New Seed Will Yield a New…
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Join Eckhart Tolle, Jim Carrey and John Raatz in Raising Consciousness Through Entertainment, Media and the Arts | It is said when the student is ready the teacher will appear. In this case, spiritually-aware people in entertainment and media have been waiting for a movement that will echo the awakening now happening around the world. And it has arrived, in the form of “GATE.” John Raatz is the…
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Flexibility Fixes for Golfers and Tennis Players | Regularly playing a one-sided sport that for the most part uses a single side of the body, such as bowling, baseball and racket sports, can cause one set of muscles to become more developed than those on the side that is less used. This can create a serious imbalance in…
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11/11 Into 2012: Benefiting From Higher Energies Posted January 6, 2012 | There has been a lot of talk of doom and gloom around specific dates, lately 11/11/11 through 12/21/12. Most of it is fear-driven by the media. However, people have been saying for thousands of years that the world is going to end and yet we are still here. So, I…
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Shaolin Kung Fu: An Interview with Abbot Shi Yongxin Posted June 2, 2011 | I had the great honor to sit down with his Holiness Venerable Master Abbott Shi Yongxin on this historical day called the “1st Shaolin Summit” in Los Angeles The Abbot and the Shaolin Warrior Monks shared the supernatural powers of Shaolin Kung Fu, which is the combination of Chan Buddhism,…
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Love, Shamanism and Safe Meditation | There are countless benefits that come from meditation. Scientific studies show meditation activates the part of the brain that helps one make better decisions. Other benefits are anti-aging, healing, enhanced abilities and feeling balanced, peaceful and centered. Meditation has been an important part of my kung fu training and life…
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Abbot Shi Yongxin of China’s Shaolin Temple Coming to L.A. Posted May 17, 2011 | Shi Yongxin, the abbot of the Shaolin Temple, is a tireless advocate for a wide array of measures toward the understanding, revival, preservation and sharing of the Shaolin legacy. He is considered a spiritual head to more than 400 million practitioners of Chan Buddhism and an estimated hundreds of millions…
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Should Shaolin Monks Be Asian? Just Ask Abbot Shi Yan Fan of Shaolin Temple Los Angeles | Should Shaolin monks only be Asian? Can a Westerner ascend to the exalted level of an abbot? Venerable Abbot Shi Yan Fan of Shaolin Temple Los Angeles can answer that. He became the first of only 43 monks in the world to receive the ancient Jieba branding marks at Shaolin Temple, China in 2007, and he is Italian…
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Get Flexible for Martial Arts Training | The good news is that anyone at any age can change their flexibility level. Just start right from where you are now and build on it day by day. If you don’t know how to start, it’s best to take some private lessons with an instructor that can assist you…
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Inside the Life of a Shaolin Monk| Most martial artists are familiar with the extraordinary powers of the Shaolin monks. They train in the use of 36 weapons, and each monk picks two animal movements and styles to specialize in. (See my previous article “The Transformative Powers of Kung Fu.”) When I first watched the…
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The Transformative Powers of Kung Fu | Kung Fu is one of the many ways to enlightenment. It incorporates inner and outer training designed for mind expansion, spiritual growth, healing, strengthening and excellent health. By health, meaning not just only being free from illness, but the ability to sleep soundly, to work energetically, to think clearly, and to be calm yet alert…
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Flexibility at Any Age: Part 1 | Having been a professional martial artist/flexibility expert for over 20 years, time and again I have seen people of any age dramatically increase their flexibility. Flexibility is the key to working out at your highest level…
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Flexibility at Any Age: Part 2 | Some of my clients come to me for flexibility training because their sport requires it. Others come because their lack of flexibility has caused them to become injured, and they are unable to participate in their favorite sport. Stretching should be a part of everyone’s fitness program. Increased flexibility will…
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The Tao of Love, Sex and Anti-Aging: Part 1 Posted April 15, 2010 | When we allow the uncertainties of life to create the illusion of low self worth it can carry over into all phases of life, including dating and intimate relationships….
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The Tao of Love, Sex and Anti-Aging: Part 2 | All relationships are transformative experiences. However, one of the fastest tracks to success in love is to start a passionate love affair with yourself. Relationships can serve as a mirror — reflecting your inner image of yourself…
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The Tao of Love, Sex and Anti-Aging: Part 3Posted August 4, 2010 | Who we choose as a mate plays a critical part in our life, because it carries over into every area of our life. The book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill was written during the great depression in 1937, but all his teaching still rings true today. He…
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The Tao of Love, Sex and Anti-Aging: Part 4 Posted August 25, 2010 | PM It’s easy to confuse our values in love — to what we do for a living and or how much money we make. Part of the attraction to successful, charismatic people is their high self esteem, youthful energy and love affair with life! When you first meet someone like this,…
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The Tao of Love, Sex and Anti-Aging: Part 5 | All relationships are a mirror to the relationship with yourself, which is the most important one. The way people interact with us is a reflection of what we believe about ourselves and what we think we are worthy of. To learn from and expand our relationships, we can get immediate…
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The Tao of Love, Sex and Anti-Aging: Part 6 | When it comes to relationships, it helps to keep in mind that they can be fragile and should be handled with care. When we don’t manage our emotions and allow ourselves to indulge in behavior that is of a low vibration, such as blame or cruelty, that can be the…
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The Tao of Love, Sex and Anti-Aging Part: 7 | If you have been showing up for your relationship wholeheartedly and it seems to constantly take you to a place of not feeling good, then you need to do the inner-work that leads to self-growth by getting through to the other side. However, if you experience more waves of discomfort…
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The Tao of Love, Sex and Anti-Aging: Part 8 | Just because someone is psychic, can move energy and do seemingly other-worldly feats does not necessarily mean they are truly spiritual, have integrity or your best interest at heart. When someone is trying to seduce you, watch what they do more than what they say. If most…
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The Tao of Love, Sex and Anti-Aging: Part 9 | Many of us tell ourselves that we will allow ourselves to be happy when: 
A. I have X amount of dollars in the bank.
B. I meet my true love/soulmate or when my partner finally wakes up and loves me the way he/she ought to.
C. When I…
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